PS3 NBA2K13 Online Association

Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

I agree Howey, sometimes the shots arn't dropping...and I do admit I didn't look at the shot chart which is my bad. To be honest I was actually surprised by it from you knowing how well you dominated the jumpshot in previous seasons! Looking at the shot chart though, I do retract my initial view somewhat cause if you are unable to hit the shot, you still gotta score from somewhere! It wasn't for lack of trying that you scored only 8 outside the paint :)

You were getting lag were you? I haven't played a few guys now and haven't had a lag problem...including the Magic right before you played him! Perhaps it's your connection?
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

Yeah, it was quite jittery at times, especially on free throws! But I do admit I chose a slashing team deliberately in the hope to compensate for any lag I may face... not in the hope for criticism from all you lads! :P. Yeah, I miss having the jump shooting prowess of my all rookie starting lineup of last season with Curry, Jennings and Casspi but this is my new team and I've got to work with it.
Looking forward to taking on your 3 point bombing specialists soon mate.
Perhaps... thursday night if I'm not to busy studying?
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

Oh I'm not studying! I'm long done with uni! :lol: We'll see how we go, I'm good for most nights now after ~9pm as my fiance tends to go to sleep early now cause of early starts :) However, I'll see how my left thumb is going by hampered me a bit last night playing the Magic as I couldn't use the joystick as well as usual :lol: I nearly cut the tip off it last night cooking... :eek:
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

I've gotta study for my TEE to get into uni! :P
Well keep us posted bud, just send me a message on the PS3 or whatever.
I'm off to watch LeBron get his ass handed to him haha.
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

ill play ya again if ure keen hiho????? ill be online in a minute......

Your raptors yeah?
Looks like we only play once in the season? Id love to play a game that counts, but if noone else is keen in 10 min mate ill be keen for a praccy
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

Was at the start of the 2nd quarter against Lakers when the game cut out for some reason. Was up by 6 but wasn't enough to merit the win I was awarded. Could one of the mods please discount that game? (Knicks-Lakers)
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

Was at the start of the 2nd quarter against Lakers when the game cut out for some reason. Was up by 6 but wasn't enough to merit the win I was awarded. Could one of the mods please discount that game? (Knicks-Lakers)

Done :) Hopefully it doesn't do it again!
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

Was at the start of the 2nd quarter against Lakers when the game cut out for some reason. Was up by 6 but wasn't enough to merit the win I was awarded. Could one of the mods please discount that game? (Knicks-Lakers)

Thats interesting.
Played him and was wooping ass and he paused it and went to quit paused and went back to the game hahah
I didnt think much of it at the time but i slowed down a bit and he didnt even say gg after the end of the game..
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

Benny, just played our mate perryparsons - he was getting some bad calls - couple of charges and a holding call on a def. rebound that even I thought looked very suss.
Bout halfway through 2nd quarter - he was up by one and just quit - so if you could do the honours...

On a sidenote - for anyone else who cares, my shooting and D is completly borked :confused: so expect some good practice when you play me.

ITR_K1LO5 has a great handle on Rashard Lewis - how you could ever shoot with that guy is beyond me :eek:
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

ITR_K1LO5 has a great handle on Rashard Lewis - how you could ever shoot with that guy is beyond me :eek:

Lol, yeh j_keefy84, i just like the way he shoots, so i've stuck with him, him and Westbrook are the only 2 i gotta handle on. learning the others as i go.
Got a few players who can bomb from the deep also.
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

Hopefully get some done tonight :) Got my 1st win earlier against MattBowen. Was finding some space and knocking it down and caused him to turn things over a fair amount (3 guys had 4 steals). Mayo bounced back from his debut game of 6 points with 21, Conley hit another 5 3s and FA pick-up Donte Greene got 8 points, 2/2 from downtown, and 4 boards in 4mins!
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

Damn i need a 3 bomber! Im down 0-2 atm. I found i was open all game in both games from out side but couldn't hit a thing.
Re: PS3 NBA2K11 Online Season

It seems there's a few whiners among us.
The last 2 games I've been accused of 'cheesing' simply because I played a strategic fourth quater and got it inside for high percentage shots. "Perryparsons" just claimed that I scored to much in the paint (48 of 79) and "dogged" my way to a win because I came from behind in the 3rd to take the W. Yet I out rebounded him by 13, he had 16 turnovers, 16 fouls and shot 14/48 from 3. Thats not my fault. I have more important **** to worry about than 13 year olds on the playstation network.

Can we just play ball?
I know you vets from the OG 2k10 league will have my back haha.
Just wanted to vent a little because really this is my time to relax not to *****.
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