Anyone collect fanpacks??


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fanpacks are these packs that come in the mail when you email the team asking for one! (providing the team has fanpacks). They usually contain leftover membership stuff like:

season previews

and if your lucky some autographs!

ive got 15 at the moment (only been doin it for 2 weeks) and hoping 50 by the end of the year. ive got a couple of favourites:

melbourne storm: showbag thingy: hat, poster, stickers, mini eski, pencil case.

nsw waratahs: waratah fashion magazine, season preview, stickers, flyers, fixture.

then the next day i got this big tube and in it was 3 posters, 1 of them was signed by about 10 players from the waratahs!

i love 12pm to 2pm cos its mail time!


p.s. post your fanpack successes here.

p.p.s. a whole lot of teams from all codes do it: NRL, AFL, Netball, NBA (havent got 1 yet though) and MLB (got boston redsox)
well this is what i sent to freo dockers:


Does the Fremantle Dockers send out fanpacks?

If so could I please request one?

Thank You,

Tom ______


___________ = address info
Good job mate .. I know from experience that some teams will return a big F**k off in regards to this.
A guy I worked with was selling alot of stuff on ebay and on special auction nights to raise money for charity and received lots of negative answers to this.
Keep up the good work mate.
already got them and they sent me a poster, large magnet and stickers! they didnt sound very nice though instead of going hi tom were going to send you a..... they were: sent u a poster and other things
So how would i get a fan pack from collingwood?

you would email them through this email:

you would then do the freo email that i demonsrated at the start of the thread except: To Collingwood, your address and GO PIES! at the end (i would never say that though):lol:

sadly i dont think the pies send out packs though cos i tried and havent got anything..... you maybe lucky though like i was with st. george and melbourne storm (awesome pack the storm one and they only sent it every now and again!)

good luck

---------- Post added 24-04-2010 at 06:18 PM ----------

These sound cool, might have to shoot off a request to South Sydney =D>

good luck, lmk if u get 1.

---------- Post added 24-04-2010 at 06:21 PM ----------

do the canterbury bulldogs do them?

sent a request to all NRL teams and have gotten most teams except for the bulldogs and a couple of others, still could be coming though will lyk if i get 1. try 4 yourself though cos u may get 1 and i might not.
I should request one from the panthers :) Hey Tom have you had any luck with them?
i might give this a try......

Might try some State Cricket teams (WA, NSW etc)
EPL- i hope so!

---------- Post added 24-04-2010 at 07:25 PM ----------

just emailed United, hopefully they get back to me...... i'm not counting on it though.
i might give this a try......

Might try some State Cricket teams (WA, NSW etc) - I know NSW will work
A-League - Don't think so haven't heard back from Glory
NRL - Yes
NBL - Don't know
EPL- i hope so! - Don't know
AFL - Yes, most teams do

good luck

will start comp right here:

whoever gets the most in 1 month wins the title of OCT Ultimate Fanpack Collector

i probably wont win cos ive already got 20 and things start to slow down after you've got quite alot.

lmk when u get a some in the mail and i will add up a tally. if you beat 5 or more packs in one day u win the title of: OCT Ultimate One Day Mail Day

and my motto is: less than two = fail mail

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