PS3 NBA2K13 Online Association

Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Yeh no worries mate, will be available this afternoon probably after uni.

---------- Post added 16-03-2010 at 02:01 PM ----------

Im available right now guys! aNyone want to playyyyyyy?

---------- Post added 16-03-2010 at 02:11 PM ----------

Dam ill be back on in 30 min...Please someone play me then! Keen as

Cheers guys
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

ahh kk my bad, well then every1 else, lucky u said that coz apparently som1 was bout to take your spot lol, but that was like a week ago
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

exactly. thank god i said to my friend actually too bad it was taken coz i just noticed how crap my friend was at 2k10

---------- Post added 16-03-2010 at 04:52 PM ----------

I'm obviously the most hated player in the league so it would b funny if i won the nba championship (which i won't). but still would b quite the laugh
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

demand a reset of heat cavs..

Freaking bull**** that heat kept pausing and saying Fair?? About me not playing ON BALL D with Iverson, so i adjusted but i know i should of had too..

For some reason our game had no 24 second shot clock..none of us exploited that till the last minute! Heat held on the ball with 45 seconds to go! Sorry but thats just crap when i had a chance to win!
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

y r there so many ppl that just don't go online anymore such as hornets, suns, grizzlies, and nets??

Suns is a new owner that got his team the same time as you. Has completed two games in the last week and has had a few games drop out as well apparently.

Grizzlies is Costa, think he struggles to find time.

Nets is online everyday, always seems to be playing COD. I'd suggest pm'ing him when trying to organise a game.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

lol the glitches in the game r cra-a-a-zy and yeh that game has to b reset thats really DOG behavior. and no i dont cheese

---------- Post added 16-03-2010 at 05:12 PM ----------

thats fine, i just wanna rush to the playoffs though, coz im eager to find out who will get in lol, although i have many games to go
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Ranga, i have a question about your media uploads...

Why is it when you upload media from your games they go onto a "Play of the Week" poll, yet when everyone else uploads it just attaches itself to the respective game.

What do you do differently to get your plays on a POTW poll?
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

well i havent noticed, might check now

---------- Post added 16-03-2010 at 05:42 PM ----------

hey digeze is there an mvp at the end of the season????
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Also, arzbar....Dallas is still waiting for you to accept invite for Season 1.

Yes, we will probably have awards for a variety of different categories, and those award winners will go into the record books ;)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Ranga, i have a question about your media uploads...

Why is it when you upload media from your games they go onto a "Play of the Week" poll, yet when everyone else uploads it just attaches itself to the respective game.

What do you do differently to get your plays on a POTW poll?

Maybe because i dont do direct uploads but save replays and play around with them then upload them, i thought that the admins put up the potw its in the admin settings somewhere. Or maybe its just because they know i make good replays hahahah ;p

Just accepted a trade if someone could put that through.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

som1 should like make a news report piece of top 10 nominees and we ask all 30 members who should get it but we can't nominate our own player :) just saYIng that would b fun. and btw wat were u talking bout with the dallas season 1 invite??

---------- Post added 16-03-2010 at 05:51 PM ----------

man i feel so sorry 4 u, most of your loss's r only by about a point or so lol.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Hmm, well i've uploaded media twice.

1st time i saved and then once i got out of the season i played around with it in reelmaker. When i uploaded, it went into my 2K profile but didnt actually attach itself to the game i had played.

The 2nd time i uploaded straight away before exiting the game that had been completed. It uploaded successfully but never arrived anywhere online, not in my profile, not in the game stats....just vanished...weird.
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