PS3 NBA2K13 Online Association

Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

anything u would like to say for the dallas bulletin after losing Carl Landry???

---------- Post added 14-03-2010 at 04:16 PM ----------

and also how you feel with collecting antwan jamison?

---------- Post added 14-03-2010 at 04:40 PM ----------

everybody here is my article i just wrote but this mornings game.

2K Sports
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

reset cavs lakers

Also nejabin IGNORE the PM i sent u!! I still want the trade to go ahead sorry for the confusion mate!!
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Hey are you saying that i'm cheesing? I actually let you quit even i was up by 15 + points on the 3rd quarter, even your excuses is to shallow, and could use another controller...
you probably dont know how to play defense?
if that's cheesing what the other guys could you say to them..

Im saying I can see it becoming a way of cheesing! 3rd quarter? wasn't it only the 2nd? My excuse shallow? I split my controller down the left hand side and top of the casing and the L1 button flew off and the L2 Button came outside of the casing. I actually had to take it apart, re align everything on that side and I know have sticky tape holding the top of the left hand side together and can hardly use the L2 button! Also the L3 stick had popped out a bit and was stuck on! I do really appreciate the fact you let me quit but at the same time if I had to have forfeit it I would have! Ask the guys here, its not the only controller Ive smashed!

I know how to play defensive, do some research and you'll see I dont allow to many points! In both seasons.

There is a handful of people that cheese in this league and we have to deal with it. Doesn't mean I can not vent about it!

I also find it massively ironic how you say I can't play defense when all you can do is lock down the post!! If i had decent control over my shooters last night, and they were hitting shots I would not have been down by 15 points...... Everyone outside the post is left open with the way you play.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

anything u would like to say for the dallas bulletin after losing Carl Landry???

---------- Post added 14-03-2010 at 04:16 PM ----------

and also how you feel with collecting antwan jamison?

---------- Post added 14-03-2010 at 04:40 PM ----------

everybody here is my article i just wrote but this mornings game.

2K Sports

Just sent you a trade offer with a Centre (Kaman) and a decent SG replacement for Roy (Harden) LMK what you think?
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

my shot is finally back!
i won by 7 against nuggets, but in the first 2.23 i was down 16 - 0
but eventually gibson and barea, with extra minutes delivered scoring 18 and 13 points.
David Anderson, the australian, scored 8 points with 8 rebounds and 3 blocks while james was constistent as always.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Could i get resets on league 1 with heat vs cavs and heat vs rockets, they really need to fix the servers soo annoying.

EDIT: add Phoenix vs Oklahoma to the reset list, season 2. These cut outs are getting annoying probably going to get a 20m ethernet cord hopefully that fixes the problem.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Games to be Played before the next Deadline:

Season 1

Week 3 -
Miami @ Golden State (asap, overdue and playoff ramifications)

Week 4 - Game Due to be Played by Sunday, 28th March
Houston @ San Antonio
Toronto @ Philladelphia
Dallas @ Oklahoma
New Orleans @ Golden State
Golden State @ Atlanta
Cleveland @ New Orleans
Dallas @ San Antonio
New Orleans @ Oklahoma
Atlanta @ Cleveland
Oklahoma @ Atlanta
Boston @ Dallas
Miami @ Houston
Houston @ Denver
Toronto @ Miami
Dallas @ LA Lakers
New Orleans @ San Antonio

Arzbar is the new Dallas Mavericks GM in Season 1

Season 2

Week 1 - Due to be Played by Sunday, 4th April
Toronto @ Philladelphi
Denver @ Washington
Detroit @ Charlotte
Chicago @ New Orleans
Cleveland @ Utah
Minnesota @ Houston
LA Clippers @ Memphis
Miami @ Sacramento
Phoenix @ Milwaukee
San Antonio @ New Jersey
New York @ Atlanta
New Jersey @ Orlando
Sacramento @ Toronto
Philadelphia @ Boston
Golden State @ LA Clippers
Memphis @ Minnesota
Houston @ Cleveland
New Orleans @ Oklahoma
Dallas @ Detroit
Washington @ Dallas
Detroit @ New Orleans
Chicago @ Houston
Cleveland @ Memphis
Minnesota @ Golden State
Phoenix @ Portland
Indiana @ New Jersey
Orlando @ Atlanta
San Antonio @ New York
New Orleans @ Washington
San Antonio @ Denver
New York @ Orlando
New Jersey @ Phoenix
Sacramento @ LA Clippers
Philadelphia @ Minnesota
Golden State @ Cleveland
Memphis @ Chicago
Houston @ Oklahoma
Denver @ Dallas
Charlotte @ New Orleans
Washington @ Utah
Oklahoma @ Memphis
Chicago @ Golden State
Cleveland @ Philadelphia
Minnesota @ Sacramento
LA Clippers @ Milwaukee
Boston @ LA Lakers
Toronto @ Portland
Miami @ New Jersey
Phoenix @ Atlanta
Indiana @ New York
Orlando @ San Antonio
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Sheesh 6 games for me in the next 2's hoping I can get a bunch done this week!
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Michael - shouldn't the Miami/GS game be simmed. The deadline has passed and it's not like the members weren't playing. Both have played games the last few days on OCT S2. All other games have been simmed?
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Michael - shouldn't the Miami/GS game be simmed. The deadline has passed and it's not like the members weren't playing. Both have played games the last few days on OCT S2. All other games have been simmed?

However I believe they tried playing it yesterday and it cut out, I reset it this morning. Hardly their fault if it cut out and neither of Michael or myself could reset it before this morning.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

ill be on in an hour for a few games if any1s keen...

spurs season 1 or 76ers season 2, would like to get season 1 done with....
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

ill be on in an hour for a few games if any1s keen...

spurs season 1 or 76ers season 2, would like to get season 1 done with....

You about tomorrow? Rest of the week? I have a game against you (Spurs) in Season 1. Also season 2 our game is due in the next fortnight too.

Let us know times you're on and I'll see what I can do. I'll be on mid afternoon mostly.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I have to win 4 more games in league 1 to have solidified my spot in the playoffs, i hope i can do it, ill try and get on for some games later, my brothers on atm.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

You about tomorrow? Rest of the week? I have a game against you (Spurs) in Season 1. Also season 2 our game is due in the next fortnight too.

Let us know times you're on and I'll see what I can do. I'll be on mid afternoon mostly.

yeh ill try be on after bout 7pm everynight this week as i dont finish work till late but all day friday ill be good to go if i dont catch ya...
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