PS3 NBA2K13 Online Association

Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Just lost a heartbreaker to indiana, Tmac wrecked everything for me in the 4th and i just cant work him out and im now looking to deal him, i sent a trade out to digeze and revoked those other trades. Lost by 2 and just missed a fadeaway with Al Jefferson, Jr Smith scored 26 which i guess is around his average.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Vivo absolutely punished me :lol:
From start to finish just gave it to me lol.

Got to back it up with a win against the Heat so i was pretty happy with not dropping 2 in a row. That was a close game too but held him out.
Has anyone played him? Whats the deal with all the pauses and replays mid game?:blink:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Had my second heartbreaker against knicks, had a hard time marking Oden he scored 14/17, all katmagik did was when he was right under the basket pass it to him and dunk, close game and once again Jefferson chokes in the clutch.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Vivo absolutely punished me :lol:
From start to finish just gave it to me lol.

Got to back it up with a win against the Heat so i was pretty happy with not dropping 2 in a row. That was a close game too but held him out.
Has anyone played him? Whats the deal with all the pauses and replays mid game?:blink:

:lol: Sorry mate, but damn i was feeling it, especially in that 1st qtr

By the way guys im online for a game now if anyone is keen! :D
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Alright im making a decision and putting Tmac on the block looking for either a sg or sf rated around the 70's, preferably a good shooter, can be put into a combo trade, but Tmac definitely on the block i just cant figure out his shot(even though its so easy im just too dumb to get it), so any offers just send away.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Alright im making a decision and putting Tmac on the block looking for either a sg or sf rated around the 70's, preferably a good shooter, can be put into a combo trade, but Tmac definitely on the block i just cant figure out his shot(even though its so easy im just too dumb to get it), so any offers just send away.

I'll look into it and test him out ;)...also should i mess with a winning combo hmmmm
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Sorry dudes, played with him and figure keeping Barbosa is a much better idea and has a way better shooting style
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I'm really frustrated.

Just had 3/4 of a game with Wiz1983 got it to about 2-3 minutes left in the 3rd before the network said "network conditions are too poor to play".

I'm not sure if this is Wiz's fault or 2K - so if it's 2K mate disregard everything following this.

Every 8 seconds or there about the black screen would come up saying "waiting for opponent (35)" etc. For about 10 additional times this happened for 20 second stretches with it going between this screen and the game screen every split second.

The lag was disgusting.

It was the sloppiest game I've played so far, and I was going to quit because I know my net connection is strong as, and I wasn't going to play a crap game due to someone else's poor internet.

Seeing as it was already 3rd quarter and I was up 11 I thought fine I'll stick it out and just get it done with, then I won't have to start from scratch and do it again.

Then it cuts out.

No offense to the guy but I'm not going to play him until he gets his net fixed or gets a more direct connection.

This is a great league and majority of the connections are really good - there is no reason why I or anyone else should have to play against a guy who's connection is rubbish.

If that's not the case and it was something to do with 2K then apologies but I don't think it was.

---------- Post added 09-03-2010 at 11:38 PM ----------

Also Ranga - I'll deal you for Tracy Mcgrady if your up for it.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Jimbo, your so quick to blame others.... ever thought it was the connection as a whole, or even a problem with the 2K connection...???

I've played Wiz numerous times on NBA live and 2k10 and never had any drastic problems!

I know for a fact he's got a god connection and good provider!

I can understand your frustration but to basically bag him for having a slow connection, which is what you did, meaning to offend or not, is a bit of a knee jerk reaction!

Ive got between 95% and 100% connection all the time but still have the occasional problem, thats life with Internet gaming, a bit of patience and good will on all sides is what is needed.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Jimbo, your so quick to blame others.... ever thought it was the connection as a whole, or even a problem with the 2K connection...???

I've played Wiz numerous times on NBA live and 2k10 and never had any drastic problems!

I know for a fact he's got a god connection and good provider!

I can understand your frustration but to basically bag him for having a slow connection, which is what you did, meaning to offend or not, is a bit of a knee jerk reaction!

Ive got between 95% and 100% connection all the time but still have the occasional problem, thats life with Internet gaming, a bit of patience and good will on all sides is what is needed.

When else have I blamed others mate?

If you read my post you'd see I said if it's 2K and not him, then I apologise - it only applies if it was his connection.

If it was his connection I have no reason to back down from those statements. And I wasn't jumping the gun, normally when it is someone else's connection it does come up with the black screen saying "waiting for opponent" - but like I said above, if it was 2K and not him, then no worries.

I do have patience and good will aussie - that's why I waited 20 minutes to play the game with him, and was willing to play it through till the end.

I didn't rip him personally, and I think my comments were justified.

Anyway I was going to bring up something but I can't be bothered to stir this. No bad intentions mate.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I understand all that mate, I guess I didnt process what was written properly but I did take it as unjustified at first glance. I understand the frustration, trust me I do. But I thought you went to town a bit with the whole " I wont be playing him again until his connection is fixed" part, IMO of course.

I also probably should of worded my post a bit better and gone in a different direction.
I referred to the "blaming others" part as Im pretty sure Ive seen the connection issues arise from you before mate! All good, I was just voicing my opinions/concerns just as you were.

In fairness to you, The patience and good will comment wasnt directed at you solely but as a whole, as there has been a few niggles and naggings going on and a few people seem more interested in causing a few dramas rather then just playing it and taking it as it comes. (The drams comment is not aimed at you)

Maybe im just too old and its too late for me... Seem to be getting grumpy as I get older! :lol:

Mate, if you feel you need to bring something up then do, you always respond well to any criticism and debates very well and thought out.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I understand all that mate, I guess I didnt process what was written properly but I did take it as unjustified at first glance. I understand the frustration, trust me I do. But I thought you went to town a bit with the whole " I wont be playing him again until his connection is fixed" part, IMO of course.

I also probably should of worded my post a bit better and gone in a different direction.
I referred to the "blaming others" part as Im pretty sure Ive seen the connection issues arise from you before mate! All good, I was just voicing my opinions/concerns just as you were.

In fairness to you, The patience and good will comment wasnt directed at you solely but as a whole, as there has been a few niggles and naggings going on and a few people seem more interested in causing a few dramas rather then just playing it and taking it as it comes. (The drams comment is not aimed at you)

Maybe im just too old and its too late for me... Seem to be getting grumpy as I get older! :lol:

I guess that statement was made with the assumption that his connection is always that bad.

Nah man I'm pretty grumpy myself tonight. At uni from 9-6 today and tossed up playing a game. Got home at 745 had dinner, had a shower and got on the ps3. Decided I had just enough energy to play one game and then crash hard, so just got annoyed that I couldn't finish it I guess.

No worries of course Aussie, we're all human after all. Your opinion was completely valid though man, I edited it back a bit because if Wiz is a good guy I don't want to offend him - it's the CONNECTION that i want to kill! :mad:

Ha! Time to crash anyway, we should also play our Round 1 game sometime soon as I'm not sure when Michael wants those games done by.

Michael - could you fill us in?
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

arghhhh I wrote a reply but musnt have hit the button before moving on!!

It's all good, I understand how you would feel after those sorts of hours, do them everyday and with my position and staff at work its a lot more stressful then it should be!

We'll get our game done soon, trying to get some games under my belt with this excuse of a team I have as the Bulls before I face yourself, Nick, Ben, Michael and so on!
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

arghhhh I wrote a reply but musnt have hit the button before moving on!!

It's all good, I understand how you would feel after those sorts of hours, do them everyday and with my position and staff at work its a lot more stressful then it should be!

We'll get our game done soon, trying to get some games under my belt with this excuse of a team I have as the Bulls before I face yourself, Nick, Ben, Michael and so on!

No worries man. I'm trying to pull off a trade to get a bit more inside presence as we speak. Charlie V's not getting it done on o for me.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Jimbo it happens man. Remember our game before you quit? How it was jumping like crazy? My internet connection is 97% and you've just stated yours is strong, yet we were still having issues. Little patience is all that's needed as 2k is far from perfect. It dropped out the other day after I beat the Knicks as I was uploading a video! It simply kicked me off the 2k server :lol:

---------- Post added 10-03-2010 at 09:06 AM ----------

Had my second heartbreaker against knicks, had a hard time marking Oden he scored 14/17, all katmagik did was when he was right under the basket pass it to him and dunk, close game and once again Jefferson chokes in the clutch.

Katmagik likes using Oden ey! I took the approach of manning him hard and it worked. Only scored 10 on me with 5/8 shooting. Thompson picked up the slack a little going 16 points on 8/11 shooting, but once the pick and roll was taken out of the game they had few other options and the game blew out. Would have been a 35 point win instead of 24 had Ben Gordon not scored 12 of his 17 in the last 1min 24secs from ill-advised long range bombs that simply wouldn't miss!
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