I understand all that mate, I guess I didnt process what was written properly but I did take it as unjustified at first glance. I understand the frustration, trust me I do. But I thought you went to town a bit with the whole " I wont be playing him again until his connection is fixed" part, IMO of course.
I also probably should of worded my post a bit better and gone in a different direction.
I referred to the "blaming others" part as Im pretty sure Ive seen the connection issues arise from you before mate! All good, I was just voicing my opinions/concerns just as you were.
In fairness to you, The patience and good will comment wasnt directed at you solely but as a whole, as there has been a few niggles and naggings going on and a few people seem more interested in causing a few dramas rather then just playing it and taking it as it comes. (The drams comment is not aimed at you)
Maybe im just too old and its too late for me... Seem to be getting grumpy as I get older!