SICK Refractor + Chrome Refractor and some GOLD!!!

looks like barry is giving him a blowy!! hahaha sick pick ups mate, how many schrempfs are there? any game used or autos?

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: funny stuff, schrempf has about 500 cards no game used and I think 24 auto's something like that hopefully Panini will get a couple of game used together.
Not trying to spoil your mailday, but are you 100% sure all of those are refractors ? Refractors will normally scan up a lot differently than above.

This is a refractor

which looks like this (which i'm certain IS a refractor)


As opposed to this (which I will bet my left nut that it ISN'T a refractor)


There's a few others in your mailday which I would say aren't refractors either.

Another example

Base card


Your card above (looks like the base but could be just the scan)

If i'm wrong, just tell me to shut up :D
its just my scanner they all have the rainbow effect.

---------- Post added 03-02-2010 at 04:16 PM ----------

I can scan them in higher resolution but that takes forever.
Yeah.. only 2 of them look like refractors on those scans... though the heading "SICK Refractor + Chrome Refractor and some GOLD!!!" suggests that there are only two, so that would be ok...
wow how many refractors mate?? sweeeeeeeet. and if they have the rainbow effect then yeh they would be refractors, but grahams comments are right on the money too. so many times im sure people buy "finest" cards and are told their refractors, yeh really they wont be. and also yeh if u want the best refractor finish, get a camera flash happening in the works. cheers
Very nice "Image has been deleted or moved" mailday mate :lol:

I did see them before they were taken down and yes they were some nice pick ups mate :thumbsup:
Yep am aware of that - they say they're refractors but don't look like refractors, except two. Hopefully he hasn't been screwed.

No I havent I payed $1 for 27 cards lot to me they look like refractors cause they have the shine and rain bow effect on all of them, im not that worried about it.

Iv taken them down as I dont want to give out the wrong impression.
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