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Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

bahahahahaha lol thats pretty funny.. what sorta price u looking for is $??
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

Upon Careful and deep consideration, Ive decided to keep the Kosta Koufos. Obviously if you guys are willing to give up that much for it, then he (although Ive never heard of him) must be awesome. Thanks for the ofers though. :v:
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

Upon Careful and deep consideration, Ive decided to keep the Kosta Koufos. Obviously if you guys are willing to give up that much for it, then he (although Ive never heard of him) must be awesome. Thanks for the ofers though. :v:

Damn it!!! Only 598 of them left out there to try and find. Hopefully some one out there is stupid enough to trade me for my triple scripts :lol:
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

Oh and first post has been updated with the ebay auction. Please dont attack me on the BIN price its only that high as im not sure what this card is worth :v:
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

lAST oFFER, THE kOUFOS plus Marreesse Speights Freshman Orientation.

Sorry you reneged on the deal the first time and wasted my precious time so as much as i like and want the Koufos for my PC i have to say no on principle.
If you throw in a Maurice Ager base #/80,000 i may change my mind:)
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

Ive got a Fleer Ultra 93-94 Kenny smith card??? Actually no, freak you man, you dont like the deal then CRAM IT!!!!!:mad:
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

I would but its not what im looking for.

I konw its a long shot but maybe you have a '92 Detlef Shrempf you'd be willing to trade straight up
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

HA!!!! trade my base Schrempf for that piese of crap??? dont be stupid all your life.
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

You drive a hard bargain, maybe if i throw in my CP3 1/1 and Durant SPx auto RC we could make a deal?
LMK i'll write up the trade agreement:thumbsup:
Re: Rose/Beasley/Mayo triple scripts - Make an offer

Would you be interested in my MJ / Dr J dual auto jsy #d to 15 !? you have a few cards i would like :)
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