picked up a couple of boxes and some supplies from the sydney card show on sunday..............thanks to gary for these 2 awesome boxes.
will list up the hits from each box
07-08 SPX
hill/howard winning materials
dudley/davidson freshman materials
devin harris high point total winning materials
glen davis freshman orientation
arenas/jamison winning materials
deng jersey number winning materials
marvin williams jersey number winning materials
wilson chandler rc auto/jersey #/825
thaddeus young rc auto/jersey #/299
boris diaw super scripts
bill russell/jerry west dual super scripts #/5
pretty happy with this box, just hoping they redeem the russell/west super scripts.
07-08 hot prospects
notable newcomers.......
corey brewer x2
wilson chandler
marco bellinelli
supreme court
glen rice
a.c green
don nelson
sean elliot
stat tracker
artis gilmore
deron williams
shaun livingston "property of" dual jersey #/149
herbert hill rc patch #/599
hakeem olajuwon stat tracker dual jersey/auto #/50
here is the BIG one.....................
oscar robertson/jerry west/lenny wilkens "class of 1960" triple auto #/5

before these 2 boxes i didn't have a west auto, now i have 2 (hopefully)
once again thanks too gary, was good to catch up with gary and sonny again..........also great to finally meet hendra
remember sonny...........chicago, july, keep sending pm's that say ATT MICHELLE LOL
will list up the hits from each box
07-08 SPX
hill/howard winning materials
dudley/davidson freshman materials
devin harris high point total winning materials
glen davis freshman orientation
arenas/jamison winning materials
deng jersey number winning materials
marvin williams jersey number winning materials
wilson chandler rc auto/jersey #/825
thaddeus young rc auto/jersey #/299
boris diaw super scripts
bill russell/jerry west dual super scripts #/5

pretty happy with this box, just hoping they redeem the russell/west super scripts.
07-08 hot prospects
notable newcomers.......
corey brewer x2
wilson chandler
marco bellinelli
supreme court
glen rice
a.c green
don nelson
sean elliot
stat tracker
artis gilmore
deron williams
shaun livingston "property of" dual jersey #/149
herbert hill rc patch #/599
hakeem olajuwon stat tracker dual jersey/auto #/50
here is the BIG one.....................
oscar robertson/jerry west/lenny wilkens "class of 1960" triple auto #/5

before these 2 boxes i didn't have a west auto, now i have 2 (hopefully)
once again thanks too gary, was good to catch up with gary and sonny again..........also great to finally meet hendra

remember sonny...........chicago, july, keep sending pm's that say ATT MICHELLE LOL