Temporary Loss of control Mailday

ace e

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When i saw Bargey's auctions i went nuts and just bid like a crazy man possessed. You will see why below ;).

The cards are in order of my favs.

Dual JO and Peja :thumbsup:

JO Peja 06 07 dual.JPG

Dual AI and D wade :thumbsup::thumbsup:

AI D wade 06 07 dual 39 of 99.JPG

D Harris Quad Black Patch (i missed buying the JO quad black patch for this :cry: - Mavsman better be a good judge ;))=D>

D Harris Black Quad Patch.JPG

AI Quad Black :woot::woot::woot:=D>=D>=D>

AI Black Quad Patch.JPG

and the finally i have always wanted no# gu's of these guys and when i saw this i got 2 for the price of 1.

MJ LJ 06 07 Dual 28 of 50.JPG


JO Peja 06 07 dual.JPG

AI D wade 06 07 dual 39 of 99.JPG

D Harris Black Quad Patch.JPG

AI Black Quad Patch.JPG

MJ LJ 06 07 Dual 28 of 50.JPG
you are a mad man ace.i would like to be a fly on the wall if the lovely little lady ever finds out how much that lot cost.no what will you offer to keep my mouth shut (i did notice you brought these so i know what you spent) remember i can squeal like a bird :lol:
by the way great pick ups ace =D>=D>=D>
tony :D
you are a mad man ace.i would like to be a fly on the wall if the lovely little lady ever finds out how much that lot cost.no what will you offer to keep my mouth shut (i did notice you brought these so i know what you spent) remember i can squeal like a bird :lol:
by the way great pick ups ace =D>=D>=D>
tony :D

You keep your mouth shut if you know whats good for ya ;):lol:.
Thx buddy :thumbsup:
that is one sweet mailday, both the UD Blacks are stunners esp the AI. Nice pick up on the dual g/u of Lebron & MJ.
Awesome cards! Love those AIs, wanted to bid but wasn;t willing to pay what I woulda had too. I got the EMotion Master set though! :D

Great mailday :)
Sweet cards! I really like the Design of these Hardcourt Materials Dual.... and the Lebron/Jordan is awesome. :woot:

How's that? lol.

Some really sweet cards, the Dual MJ/Bron looks cool as!

The bottom right of the D-Harry looks like a lettering patch?
Seeing I know what you paid Ace does that mean I can blackmail you to get some of them back? ;)

Glad they found a good home. That MJ LBJ is something special. If you want just scratch off a bit of the 8 in the serial number and you'll have 23/50 :P
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