Hoping this release is complimentary and not substitutional. We have outstanding cards from Dominance still to go for Series 2 (or should we call it series 3 now )
marz... that's 100% series 2 is confirmed?S2 of Dominance has already been confirmed so this is definitely an additional third release for 2020.
marz... that's 100% series 2 is confirmed?
marz... that's 100% series 2 is confirmed?
yes, a staff member from Select has talked about the Cripps captain signature coming later this year.
Imo it will have the gold show shoppers, platinum brownlow predictors /40ish and I reckon they will incorporate the state of origin.
Will be a beefed up version of series oone with just more numbered cards and a few more collectable bits and pieces (some bigger cards I would hope)
Sounds like another Christmas type release , same cards with a slight change
yep surely value of series 1 drops... silver showstoppers have already dropped in price heaps... just hanging for a cheap walsh!yeah signatures would be unreal, but i do feel this release is going to severley impact on the value of the series 1 cards (especially predictors and show stoppers)