The Ozcardtrader 2,000,000 post celebration thread!


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OK! Welcome to all the newer members! We did this for 1,000,000 posts and it was a huge successful giveaway!

Australia Day 2012 was when the magic million was hit!

Here is the original thread and mailday thread by the 1,000,000th post contributor @Cobretti


So here's the deal;

I know it's a while away, maybe mid-2019 when ozcardtrader might hit 2 million posts but we need some time to prepare, organise and plan!

Let's get another huge giveaway prepped - here's my idea and let's get some feedback.

-Send me a card/memorabilia/item/prize that will be included in the giveaway

- @graham will skillfully, masterfully and precisely identify the member who creates post number 2 million

-winner gets all the prizes that were donated

-any sport/subject/comic/hat/magazine - just get involved and make it massive!

Welcome all feedback and entries!
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Let me know when we get get close @GarnettFan4Life will definitely contribute to the prize pool

Will do mate cheers!

First contribution to the prize pool is already on it's way to me so anyone feel free to send to me whenever you like!

Did you see the old thread that Cobretti posted when he got his stuff, I forgot but I think someone sent him a Curry GS team logo auto! Loving it
Prize List:







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Contributions/prizes or whatever you want to call them have started coming in. I’ll keep a PM record of all and also and pics to the above post so everything is as transparent as can be!

Thanks and once again, any time, message me!
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