Hi All
I have the following 16/17 A-League cards for sale. Includes post (will be sent express with tracking for purchases over $50) (2015/16 Want list at bottom)
Base Team Sets $3.00
Base Complete Set (200 cards) $8.00 (plus postage)
$20.00 each International A-League Stars (1:36 packs)
AS02(2), AS04, AS05(2), AS06, AS07(4), AS08, AS10
$20.00 each Sharp Shooters (1:36 packs)
SH02(2), SH04(2), SH05(2), SH06, SH08(2), SH12
$4.00 each Last Line of Defence and Midfield Magicians (both 1:18packs) (will also trade for 15/16 gold Parallels I need)
LL01 (2), LL02 (4), LL03 (2), LL04(2), LL05(3), LL06, LL07 (4), LL08 (7), LL09 (5), LL10 (3), LL11 (3), LL12 (4)
MM01 (5), MM02 (4), MM03 (3), MM04 (3), MM05 (4), MM06 (3), MM07(3), MM08(3), MM09 (2), MM10 (2), MM11 (4), MM12 (5)
$4.00 Gold Parallels (or will trade for Tim Cahill gold, or gold Parallels from 15/16 that I need)
2,9(2),15,16,17,20,22 (2),23,25,26,34,37(2),38,39(2),42,43 (2),44,53,55,58,59,63,68,69,74,75 (2),81,84,85,87,90,91,99,106 (2),115,116,117,118,122 (2),124,125,126,129,130,131(2),132(2),136,138,141,143,146,147(2),148,152,154 (2),157,162,163,164,168,170 (2),173 (2),178,179(2),180 (2),183,184,194,195
$1.00 Silver Parallels (or will swap for Tim Cahill silvers, or Silver Parallels from 15/16 that I need)
2015/16 A-League WANT LIST
Silver Parallels
Gold Parallels
I have the following 16/17 A-League cards for sale. Includes post (will be sent express with tracking for purchases over $50) (2015/16 Want list at bottom)
Base Team Sets $3.00
Base Complete Set (200 cards) $8.00 (plus postage)
$20.00 each International A-League Stars (1:36 packs)
AS02(2), AS04, AS05(2), AS06, AS07(4), AS08, AS10
$20.00 each Sharp Shooters (1:36 packs)
SH02(2), SH04(2), SH05(2), SH06, SH08(2), SH12
$4.00 each Last Line of Defence and Midfield Magicians (both 1:18packs) (will also trade for 15/16 gold Parallels I need)
LL01 (2), LL02 (4), LL03 (2), LL04(2), LL05(3), LL06, LL07 (4), LL08 (7), LL09 (5), LL10 (3), LL11 (3), LL12 (4)
MM01 (5), MM02 (4), MM03 (3), MM04 (3), MM05 (4), MM06 (3), MM07(3), MM08(3), MM09 (2), MM10 (2), MM11 (4), MM12 (5)
$4.00 Gold Parallels (or will trade for Tim Cahill gold, or gold Parallels from 15/16 that I need)
2,9(2),15,16,17,20,22 (2),23,25,26,34,37(2),38,39(2),42,43 (2),44,53,55,58,59,63,68,69,74,75 (2),81,84,85,87,90,91,99,106 (2),115,116,117,118,122 (2),124,125,126,129,130,131(2),132(2),136,138,141,143,146,147(2),148,152,154 (2),157,162,163,164,168,170 (2),173 (2),178,179(2),180 (2),183,184,194,195
$1.00 Silver Parallels (or will swap for Tim Cahill silvers, or Silver Parallels from 15/16 that I need)
2015/16 A-League WANT LIST
Silver Parallels
Gold Parallels
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