My elite


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just going for a gold and red set, thinking of displaying them like this in one folder, thoughts?
Just a thought Wade....why not get yourself 6 Eels 2015 Elite Logo Checklist cards and put them in that front page, then when you flip open you can have the common set and silver set on the left, and the gold and red sets on the right, in the same way you have them set up already.....
Can really only have a maximum of 50-60 pages per folder otherwise it gets a bit bulky.
But would look good
Was thinking of going silver, gold, red down the page but thought that may be too many pages
My dilemma went from normally inserting three of each card (all base first then all parallel, in order). Then they released a 2nd parallel. I change my format to per player (3 cards per page, 3 of each). So it went, base parallel, 2nd parallel.... Now they introduced the 3rd parallel.... Do I go back to the original way?... And just have 3 players per page, per set? Or just go player by player base, para, 2nd para & mojo?

Confused anyone yet?

The best part is the chase... I have PLENTY of holes in my collection. Still only have 1 thurston indigenous all star from last years traders! I'll get the other two one day! No rush! This place is the best place to bulk up. I have people on here who send me all their cowboys cards, and I send them all the cards of their teams as well. It's not about who gave who more, it's about helping, and being helped in return! I've had many lovely surprises in my mailbox! And it just makes my day knowing I didnt even ask for it! All my cowboys spares I give away to others! It's an awesome environment!


That would be sweet to do it like that

But struggle to get one of each lol
My dilemma went from normally inserting three of each card (all base first then all parallel, in order). Then they released a 2nd parallel. I change my format to per player (3 cards per page, 3 of each). So it went, base parallel, 2nd parallel.... Now they introduced the 3rd parallel.... Do I go back to the original way?... And just have 3 players per page, per set? Or just go player by player base, para, 2nd para & mojo?

Confused anyone yet?

I have the same problem, except I kept the original way when two parallels came in and then I do the format to per player as i couldn't decide which way i wanted it. The only way that i could think of with 4 cards per player was to do an L for two players and the logo card in the middle but then you left with one player on the last page. Might have to go with wizzle suggestion (silver, gold & mojo)
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