Not that I know of mate? I got mine from the U.S.Nice, are these albums available in OZ?
Yep that would look great! I just wanted to have the mojos in top loaders so only have 6 per pageI went base, silver and gold then have the mojo on a separate page.
That would be sweet to do it like that
That would be sweet to do it like that
But struggle to get one of each lol
I have the same problem, except I kept the original way when two parallels came in and then I do the format to per player as i couldn't decide which way i wanted it. The only way that i could think of with 4 cards per player was to do an L for two players and the logo card in the middle but then you left with one player on the last page. Might have to go with wizzle suggestion (silver, gold & mojo)My dilemma went from normally inserting three of each card (all base first then all parallel, in order). Then they released a 2nd parallel. I change my format to per player (3 cards per page, 3 of each). So it went, base parallel, 2nd parallel.... Now they introduced the 3rd parallel.... Do I go back to the original way?... And just have 3 players per page, per set? Or just go player by player base, para, 2nd para & mojo?
Confused anyone yet?
Way better I think!
Plenty of shininess
That looks great!
Plenty of shininess