Wolveys fleer group buy box break


Morrow Super Collector
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OKay who is with me for what will be the dud of the century or mojo of the century?

Breaking when I am done eating my food from Jack's place (those dastardly eagles sponsors ;))
OKay ladies and well mostly gents... if not all gents.... its time....

will only mention notables.... PC stuff, rookies, inserts... and mojo stuff and some stars..... 3 packs at a time...
Pack 1:
Roy Rookie Sensations
PAtrick O'Bryant RC
Funny looking Peja (red blue and white) i know i am sounding dumb right now lmao

Pack 2:
Baron Davis Team Leaders
Saer Sene RC

Pack 3:
MIchael Red - red white and blue thingymahjiggy again
Shawn Williams RC
Quincy DOuby - PI
Pack 4
Baron Davis - red white and blue
James White RC

mini mojo - my first Randy Foye - PLatinum influence

twolves hot pack, R davis and M blount base

Pack 5
Wally Z - mini PC mojo
Gilbert Arenas - TL
Thabo Sefolosha RC

Pack 6
JJ Redick - red white and blue (I now know what it is reprint thingy but i like red white and blue better :-P)
Kevin Pittsnogle RC
LaMArcus ALdridge PI
Pack 7
JOrdan (again)
Paul Pierce - TL
Andrea BArgnani RC

Pack 8
Devin Harris
Tyrus Thomas Rookie Sensations
Douby RC

Pack 9
Brad MIller red white and blue reprint thingy
Hilton Armstrong RC
Renaldo Balkman (how similar tht sounds to a former knick ronaldo blackman lol) PI
C'mon AJ!!

Pull that Harris for me!!! lol.

Hope ya get something nice! Any wolves Buy-Backs? Laettner perhaps? (I have no idea).
Pack 10

Marvin WIlliams (PC)
Paul Pierce
Marcus WIlliams RC
Duncan TL

Pack 11

Kirilenko Red white and blue
Leon Powe RC
Patrick O'Bryant PI

Pack 12

MO Pete red white and blue
Kyle Lowry RC
Jason Kidd TL
Pack 13

yes the card gods hate me what a waste ofa GU :(

Josh Boone throwbacks :(

Tyrus Thomas RC
Billups TL

pack 14:

McCants YAY
MObley red white and blue
Rajon Rondo RC
JJ Redick PI

Pack 15

g hill
ray ray
Solomon Jones RC
Adam MOrrison ROokie Sensations
Pack 16

Rodney Carney PI
Adam MOrrison RC
Chris Paul

Pack 17:
JOsh Howard red white and blue
maurice ager RC
AJ Hawk (Green bay packers) PI

Pack 18 (halfway)

Dwight Howard
Ryan Hollins RC
Patrick O'Bryant Rookie Sensations
Pack 19

kirk snyder red white and freakin blue
lamarcus aldridge rc

pack 20
paul davis RC
Santonio Holmes (Pittsburgh steelers) PI

pack 21

al jefferson red white and blue
tarence kinsey rc
ray ray TL
pack 22

hassan adams rc
marcus williams PI
dodgy f*^$ing 88/89 Mark Aguire buyback - this card is prolly woth less than the bloody commons from this box :(

Pack 23
troy hudson (PC)
R Jefferson red white and i don't give a hoot blue
craig smith RC YAY
Dirk TL

Pack 24

ben wallace
eddie griffin pc
cedric simmons red white and blue
denham brown rc
bargnani rookie sensations
is nobody here for dodgy break central? lol

pack 25
damir markota rc
h armstrong PI

pack 26
gerald green red white and blue
shannon brown rc
okafor TL

pack 27
crap rookies continue - alexander johnson RC
Ronnie BRewer PI
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