I have roughly US$90 budget, give or take, to bust a box of 90's basketball product.
Currently, I set my sight on one of these two boxes below, but other suggestions are welcome and considered.
(1) 1997-98 Hoops - Series 2 (hobby version)
(2) 1999-00 SP Authentic
These two boxes both give me a chance to pull something that I am not actively building, but will build down the road.
If I bust (1), I am looking for a chance to pull a 1997-98 Autographics card (regular or Century Marks). Doesn't matter which player it is.
A High Voltage 500 card is nice too, but it's not my priority.
If I bust (2), I am looking for a chance to pull a nice Sign of the Times card. Specifically, I hope that I have the luck to pull the Kobe one (priority), or if the luck is bigger and the card is live, even the Jordan one.
Yes, I understand that it's crazy, but with roughly $90 budget, there is simply no chance for me to go after the Kobe single. If I choose (2) and don't pull one, next time I might head to the Selling/Trading session to look for one, when my next paycheck comes.
Whichever I choose, if I don't pull anything great, it is completely fine - I will just enjoy the fun.
So...which option is better?
If suggesting anything other than the two boxes that I mentioned, please state the reason.
Thank you so much.