2013 prime 2 cases


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what a start just opened the case box and pulled a tony shaw 300 game signiture card
#25 i hope the rest of these cases are as lucky
you little beauty :D

next 4 boxes
o'keefe norm smith medal redemption #66
prime draft
roughead #68
lewis #88
stanton #99
bolton #82
wines #202
ashby #248
kennedy #124
stringer #38
next 4 boxes
prime draft
hodge #77
didak #112
griffin #83
dangerfield #82
plowman #280
toumpas #19
mcintosh #13
temay #123 yes thats a keeper
last 4 boxes case 1
prime draft
judd #83 finally a carlton one
pendlebury #12
dal santo #70
corey #58
whitfield #117
siggins #252
towers #162

cant complain with first case just need 3 carlton primes and ill be happy
case 2 shortly
matthews case card #059
watson brownlow redemption
cox gamebreaker redemption

they were the big cards from this case
and murphy prime draft ;)

to be honost was sick of opening packs in the end took too long 9:30 in the morning till 11:30 that night
cracking packs while carlton was playing was an effort but had a win on the ground and off it with the shaw sig case card
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