Cops picked on the wrong person!


Morrow Super Collector
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Oh I am gonna have fun tomorrow!

I shall be having a serious conversation with the Launceston Traffic Sergeant because one actually two of his officers deliberately issued my sister an infringement for talking on her mobile while driving (which is 2 demerit points) despite evidence to the contrary.

Her call list proved she had not made or received any calls up until that point today. Further more I will be getting her records from Telstra... (well writing the letter that she will have to sign)

and if it is at all legally possible I will make sure that copper pays for his quota meeting, lying cheating criminal behaviour!

I am so tired of cops getting away with this crap!
Hopefully your sister showed the Cop the phone number of her mobile when she was pulled over.
Otherwise Bargey's point is very valid.
She can always not pay the fine, elect to be prosecuted and bring the call records to Court.

I actually thought this post was going to be about those tools who smashed Chopper Reed's shop windw!
she shouldn't have to take it to court.... if she has to take it to court i will help her out because frankly there is enough doubt that she should get off.... if it goes that far however I will find out legally what I can tell the press and make life difficult for them cos they have this stupid quota system..... have to raise so much money and if I have to I will write to the Police Minister.

Because I don't think you should be able to ping someone for something without definitive proof.

All I can say is don't get an itchy ear around these moronic police trying to fill their quotas.
Oh I am gonna have fun tomorrow!

I shall be having a serious conversation with the Launceston Traffic Sergeant because one actually two of his officers deliberately issued my sister an infringement for talking on her mobile while driving (which is 2 demerit points) despite evidence to the contrary.

Her call list proved she had not made or received any calls up until that point today. Further more I will be getting her records from Telstra... (well writing the letter that she will have to sign)

and if it is at all legally possible I will make sure that copper pays for his quota meeting, lying cheating criminal behaviour!

I am so tired of cops getting away with this crap!

So what led them to believe she was.......I mean they must have seen her with a phone in her had....they don't usually randomply pick someone to lie about ? What were the circumstances dude ?
Only in Launceston..........

Why are you the one doing all the detective work, shouldnt your sister be the one proving her own case?

Sounds pretty funny tho!
All I can say is don't get an itchy ear around these moronic police trying to fill their quotas.

Personally I don't think it's a quota thing as far as the mobile phones go, I think they are just sick of people doing it......I see at least 1 person doing it EVERY DAY !
I got a ticket yesturday $180 and lost 3 demirit point as someone stole my green P Plates from my car the Magnetic ones the pig wouldnt let me off!
I got a ticket yesturday $180 and lost 3 demirit point as someone stole my green P Plates from my car the Magnetic ones the pig wouldnt let me off!

Although I do believe this happened to you - In the Cops defence, they probably get that all the time (what you said).
she was scratching her ear richo thats all she did..... my sister is not perfect she does have a record... but she ha copped it all on the chin, if she did it she pleaded guilty.....

also my sister isn't as confident and self assured as i can be when i need to be.... that is why i am helping her.
she was scratching her ear richo thats all she did..... my sister is not perfect she does have a record... but she ha copped it all on the chin, if she did it she pleaded guilty.....

also my sister isn't as confident and self assured as i can be when i need to be.... that is why i am helping her.

Mmm Fair enough, hope you go Ok for her then !
Good luck dude :)
Thanks Richo.... my only hope is that Telstra can pull through with the information we need. And that my sister just doesn't give up and wear it cos its easier to give up than fight.
Fight the power and I got words awell **** the police! I hate the police well mainly traffic cops , its makes sucha difference when you live ina rich area I used to live in a pretty bad area and always used to get hassled and runnin from em and stuff now we live in a better area and you can drive ride your bike straight past with no helmet they dont even look I been in trouble with the police latley and one of the police lied aswell in a court statement which ****en shits me to the day! Hope you beat there lying faces! Good luck man. If I had enough money I would of got a lwayer and stuff but yeah kinda hard it costs lotsa money man watch out.
If she has a clean record write in an dispute it, i got done on a red light camera, i was doing 10km (there was traffic and i moved from one side to the other so i didnt block traffic from the left) they wrote back saying you have a good record and we dont have the resources to look into it. In saying that you had a face to face cop which you might need to take to court, good luck.
ace e :cool:
unfortunately its because of her record they feel the need to persecute her. They have made her a target.

She has never denied any wrong doings always pleaded guilty if she did it.

Talk about making it hard for people to get their lives on track. She is a P PLater losing 2 of her 3 demerit points puts her on thin ice.... i'll be gutted if they get away with this.
ok, lay this out for me. ur sister was driving along, she scratched her ear, at this same point in time, a police car was travelling along and saw what looked to be her talking on a phone, they pulled her over and obvioulsy stated the reason for her being pulled over.
at this point, ur sister did nothing to dispute the charge. she meekly agreed. ur sister then told u the situation.

ok, some things dont make sense here. firstly, ur sister, if she had any common sense or awareness of her situation could have nipped it in teh bud right there and then when she was pulled over. but as u said, she did not attempt to dispute it. becasue as we all know, innocent people never try to argue their innocence when wrongfully accused, especially when its a situation like what happened.

next, it isnt hard to get a phone bill with calls registered so u can check off the time of the call compared to the time of the offence, thats if ur sister made the call. receiving a call wont show up.

next, be prepared to waste a lot of ur time in dealing with this, the legal system if anything isnt the most efficient process there is, so be prepared to turn up a few times while the reschedule appearances, etc

ill be interested to see how this pans out
next, it isnt hard to get a phone bill with calls registered so u can check off the time of the call compared to the time of the offence, thats if ur sister made the call. receiving a call wont show up.

Dude if you read the whole thread, they are doing that, but as other people stated the cops can always just say she was using somebody else's phone

wolvesjr34 said:
Her call list proved she had not made or received any calls up until that point today. Further more I will be getting her records from Telstra... (well writing the letter that she will have to sign)
Unless Telstra can conclusively prove that she either did or did not

A)make a phone call
B)receive a phone call
C)receive a text message
D)send a text message
E)Listen to voice mail

It will be Upstanding Mr Plod's word against your sister's who has a record. I wonder which side the magistrate will sit?
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