DA Order Query?


2nd place = forgotten in the blink of an eye.
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So I sent through an order last night to DACardworld everything seemed to go like usual, then woke up this morning and found a message in my inbox stating because of the size of my order (below $700) they need a scan of my Credit Card and Drivers License.
Not pissed off or anything just curious if others have encountered this, and if so for my future reference does anyone know what the minimum cutoff is when you need to provide the extra information?
I've done orders under $700 and have never had to provide details but I've placed it through PayPal.....could be a better option.

I had to do that with my first order, always pay with c/card, I think it is just a safeguard against online fraud. My orders are usaully between $600-1000.
My second order from them was around the 600 mark (w/shipping) and they never asked for proof of id, though. Then again, i paid for it via international money transfer.
That's right, If your making either a large order or multiple orders close together with a credit card,they will ask for this info. Happened on my 2nd order. It's just to help avoid credit card fraud.:thumbsup:
A scan of your credit card? :crazy:

Sounds odd.

I've placed 5 or 6 orders with them in the last two months ranging from $200-$300 each and I've never been asked for ID.

I use a debit card, but I can't see that making much of a difference.
they asked me with my first order, for my own and others security it would be legit,
however i refused and told them i didnt like the idea of scanned copies of my ID and credit card flying around the interweb and if they wanted my sale just do it or i go elsewhere.
I just copped that email this morning, im a bit weary of sending those details over the internet also - especially as its my missus' details and she would castrate me!! Has anyone had any issues at all with sending the details?? I just asked if i could change the order to paypal instead. Hope they oblige.

You SHOULD be sending to a safe/secure source, but at the end of the day, how safe are your and their emails???

PayPal is probably THE better method to use, I'd imagine.
You SHOULD be sending to a safe/secure source, but at the end of the day, how safe are your and their emails???

PayPal is probably THE better method to use, I'd imagine.

I also i agree, i like to think i run a tight ship, and for obvious reasons theres SHOULD be safer than mine, but how can you really tell?!?!
Hopefully they just let me change it to paypal, and i will be using that from now on to avoid these things... If i had a fax, id think about it haha
Does your Dacard world details match the details of the method of payment (same name on the credit card or paypal account) ?
If you set up an account in your own name then there should be no issue if the details there match the details on the account from which you pay for the items. It Makes sense to me that they keep an eye out for anything that does not look right !
I hope it gets sorted out for you champ
Does your Dacard world details match the details of the method of payment (same name on the credit card or paypal account) ?
If you set up an account in your own name then there should be no issue if the details there match the details on the account from which you pay for the items. It Makes sense to me that they keep an eye out for anything that does not look right !
I hope it gets sorted out for you champ

Yeah mate, technically the account is in her name, the only thing that differs is the email address, which is in mine, but they have contacted me before through my email with my last order and it was fine - i understand their reasons and i think its all above board, but its not my details id be throwing around the internet lol...

I also hope that if i can change it to paypal, that they keep the same price, cos i did the order when they had their sale (mainly the only reason i did it in the first place as i was thinkin of buying local).

Cheers mate, i hope it gets sorted soon as i want my Fleers now haha..
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