Cardboard addicted
TheCardMan to recieve:
Jack Grimes
Cyril Rioli
Sam Mitchell
Tom Rockliff
Pearce Hanley
Nick Riewoldt
Chris Newman
Nathan van Berlo
Todd Goldstein
Steve Johnson
James Kelly
Jobe Watson
Jack09 to recieve:
$$ via paypal
Postage: regular to be sent tomorrow (Monday 26th)
All good mate?
Jack Grimes
Cyril Rioli
Sam Mitchell
Tom Rockliff
Pearce Hanley
Nick Riewoldt
Chris Newman
Nathan van Berlo
Todd Goldstein
Steve Johnson
James Kelly
Jobe Watson
Jack09 to recieve:
$$ via paypal
Postage: regular to be sent tomorrow (Monday 26th)
All good mate?