Bump ....am willing to sell out of ebay if any one interested might be able to do a better deal and if anyone lives around Werribee they can pick up save on postage cheers izy.
i have been bro some days bumped once in 2 days just updating auction not bumping cheers for concern . i will edit on top next time cheers
was gonna just edit this one on top. but same time answering your concern my last update for the day i have brooklyn top mens small size adidas put just now on 24 hour auction starting $19.90 thanks izy. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/181576045849?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
other is a brooklyn nets adidas size mens small i know the shipping in this one is way more then should be but if does sell i will fix to the price it should be of $8.25 thats satchel with tracking .
both are at 19.90 start price auction . 1 hour left cheers .