Who wants 10 free cards?


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eBay User
I know what you're thinking... Whats's the catch... Basically, I need help testing out a website I've built.

I will tell you that the cards will not be anything high end but hopefully I can help out with some PC items in exchange for your time testing the site.

What do you need to do?
1. Sign up to tradigram.com
2. Create a 'Collection' on tradigram (go to 'My PC' page)
3. Comment below your username and give me an idea on who you PC (basketball only at this stage).

What happens after that?
- I will assume you have sent a package in to be stored with us. This means I will scan and upload the cards into your account.

What can you do with the cards after they have been uploaded to your account?
1. Store them here with us and keep them in your PC.
2. Store them here with us and sell them on our marketplace.
3. Ship them home to you and keep them (this feature is still being built).

What is tradigram?
tradigram is a trading card website that allows you to:
- Create a 'Collection' (we upload the checklists so it is easy to see which cards you have, and which cards you need).
- Create a 'Set Chase' (same as above with checklists)
- Send us cards for us to scan, upload and store for you.
- Sell cards you are storing in our Vault on our marketplace.
- Buy 'Store Credit' to use on our marketplace.
- Plus much much more coming!

If you like the process and want to send us cards to scan, upload and store, you will find your unique postal address within the website. There is currently NO UPLOAD FEES on any cards you put on the marketplace. Any PC cards you send to us has a $0.10/card fee for scanning and uploading.

I have started adding cards to my Collection. You can see it here:


Thanks for reading and I look forward to any comments or suggestions you have for the site!
Kyle Kuzma is my PC
Can I get some cards?
ill invite 10 friends :)
You most definitely can!

I’m currently away with the family till Tuesday. As soon as I get home I’ll go through what I’ve got and add them to your collection.

If you invite any friends, make sure you use the link found in your settings page. This way, if they buy anything you’ll be credited with some Store Credit.

Also, let me know if you’ve got any questions about the site.
can I get cards now :) please :D
Just uploaded them to your account.

I actually tried earlier this morning but found out that I needed to upgrade the server due to the amount of activity (not a bad problem to have I suppose!).

You will be able to see the cards if you click on the rectangular icon at the top of the page (it will have a red notification dot next to it too).

From there you will just need to select which collection to put them into!

Let me know if you have any questions (I know I still owe you 1 card. I'm looking through to see if I've got something better than just base cards).
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